#CutTheirRope: You can help the donkeys of Mijas

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[Versión en español de la noticia] The Mijas ‘donkey taxi’ service does not comply with European, national, regional and local regulations. It is a clear example of institutionalized animal mistreatment. We reported it at the time and the City Council only installed a few small fences between donkeys. However, conditions have not changed. These intelligent, sociable and hypersensitive animals remain permanently tied to straps of a few centimetres that prevent them from moving or lying down. They work 365 days a year and, at the end of the day, are taken to tiny stables where they are tied up in the same conditions. They are never allowed to lie down and rest. For years. And when they do it because they’re exhausted, this happens:

Please help us raise our voice to stop this cruel activity

We want to reach as many people as possible. After years of complaints and rallies, we need to put political pressure on social networks to give voice to the donkeys. And you can help them. It’s time for cyberactivism to help the Mijas donkeys! Just follow these simple steps:

1. Spread the word on your social networks to reach as many people as possible. Just click on one or more of these links:


2. Copy this text:

If the donkey is the emblem of Mijas, why does the Town Hall treat them with contempt? I call for an end to the cruel service of ‘donkey taxi’, as it is a practice that involves mistreatment, and its replacement by ethical means.

3. Click on this link: https://goo.gl/xfk3dh, fill in the form at the bottom of the page, paste the copied text into the comment field and click submit.

4. Additionally, you can also tweet to Mijas Town Hall by clicking on this link: https://ctt.ac/at_BM

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4 Comentarios

  1. Mrs Christine Jopp

    I’ve tried to complete the link for the town hall but the captcha is missing and so it won’t let me send it 🙁 Will try again later. I am a visitor to Mijas Pueblo but can’t stand the way the donkeys are treated and have asked friends to boycott it until something is done.

  2. Stephanie loreto

    The link doesn’t work. I want to help in any way I can. This is sick.

    Please send link. Tell me how I can help these poor innocent angels.

    Love for these animals from Canada

  3. L.c.r

    Hay carta blanca en este pais para los explotadores y vandoleros.

  4. Marly

    The link is marked as unsafe and therefor won’t open 🙁


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