PACMA opposes the construction of the port of Granadilla in Tenerife

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This project is a threat to the south coast of the island , endangering not only plant species, but also more than 200 protected animal species that the Canarian Government has decided to reclassify as unprotected, after approving the construction of a massive industrial port.


The Ministry of the Environment gave the go ahead to the building of the port in February 2003, and proposed compensatory measures in the Declaration of Environmental Impact that, according to experts, were technically impossible to carry out. However, both this fact and the strong social response to the project have been ignored by the Canarian Government, that even rejected a Popular Legislative Initiative, supported by 56,000 signatures, to protect the coast of Granadilla .


The publication in the Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands,on 9th June 2010, of the new catalogue of protected species, and its coming into force the following day, was the only step required to allow the building of the port to go ahead; in fact, the works had started two weeks before the Upper Court issued the aforementioned order.


PACMA opposes all projects which, as in the case of the Port of Granadilla, arise from mercantile and economic interests, at the cost of environmental destruction , which means the death of thousands of animals as they are deprived of their natural habitat.

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