Es terrible que, ya casi al final de la legislatura, y pese al cambio de color político en la Comunidad Valenciana, los animales no hayan visto mejorada su situación y solo tengan a la vista perspectivas de ver reducida su protección. PACMA lleva dos años presentando a la Generalitat Valenciana denuncias por posibles irregularidades detectadas en festejos taurinos y solicitando la personación en expedientes. Sin embargo, ante la falta de respuesta, obligatoria por ley, nos hemos visto obligados a recurrir al Síndic de Greuges y al Consell de Transparencia.
Durante los dos últimos años hemos denunciado hechos graves que no han recibido respuesta, como daños a animales, el uso del bastón eléctrico, la participación de menores de 16 años en bous al carrer o el incumplimiento de medidas de seguridad y modalidades prohibidas expresamente por el reglamento.
El gobierno presidido por Puig sigue promocionando el maltrato institucionalizado, lejos de avanzar en la protección de los animales y en la erradicación de unas prácticas que, además de someter a los animales a maltrato, tanto físico como psíquico, se salda todos los años con víctimas mortales y centenares de personas heridas.
El hecho de que se sigan permitiendo este tipo de actos en la Comunidad Valenciana es una muestra más de la más absoluta indiferencia ante el maltrato animal por parte de nuestras instituciones, que no encuentra oposición en ninguno de los partidos políticos que gobiernan en la Generalitat, y que siguen ofreciendo un respaldo vergonzoso al sector cinegético, subvencionando el tiro y arrastre y permitiendo que nuestros perros y gatos sean ejecutados masivamente en perreras, a costa de nuestros impuestos.
No se es progresista siendo un Dictador para los animales, con independencia de que sean humanos o no. Existe una continuidad biológica irrefutable entre unos y otros, que nos hace similarmente capaces de sufrimiento a ambos (sobre todo cuando hablamos de mamíferos); lo cual no puede ser negado sin estar en la caverna de la anti-ciencia o en la barbarie de la metafísica clerical que ha convertido el mundo en una gigantesca mezcla de matadero y vertedero.
Por cierto: ¿Quién podrá llamar democrático a un «Gobierno de taifa», que ni siquiera contesta las peticiones de información de los ciudadanos, aunque sea obligatorio por Ley? y ¿Cómo diferenciar entre Partidos que sostienen tal ignominia y vulgares bandas de caciques?
This is very sick horrible people who do this. Lets light their ears on fire and cheer while they slowing die an agonizing death. What a horrible people and a horrible country to condone this and bullfighting and calf mutilations!!!!!
I am horrified by these cruel festivals. I agree with Stephen Burgan from Barcelona (As reported in The Guardian( «It hurts me to say it but the Spanish are a savage, insensitive and ignorant people,” says Miguel Ángel Rolland. In his new documentary, the Spanish film-maker has chronicled some of the 16,000 religious festivals across Spain that he says involve the torture of animals.The best known festival is this week’s running of the bulls during the fiesta of San Fermín in Pamplona. Tens of thousands of people from all over the world flock to the small Navarra town each year for a week of partying that begins each day with six fighting bulls and six oxen being driven through the narrow streets to the bullring, where the bulls are killed in a series of bullfights.
The festival has attracted increasing criticism from animal rights groups – on Saturday activists from Peta staged a protest to draw attention to what they say is a week of fear and death for bulls.
The cruelties documented in Rolland’s film (warning: graphic scenes) include pulling the head off a goose and throwing a live turkey from a church tower, but the most abused animal by far is the bull.
In Tordesillas, Valladolid, Castile and León, a tournament is held September in which hundreds of lancers and riders chase a bull around a closed field until the animal is stabbed to death.
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In Tordesillas, Castile and León, hundreds of lancers and riders chase a bull around a closed field until the animal is stabbed to death. Photograph: Kike Carbajal/Santa Fiesta
He calculates that during the 1,868 festivals involving bulls last year, more than 11,000 were tortured and killed. Aside from bullfighting, which still attracts large numbers of spectators, there are village festivals such as the toro enmaromado (roped bull), held to celebrate Corpus Christi in Benavente, Zamora, central Spain. Here, a bull has a rope tied to its horns while dozens of men chase and drag it to the abattoir. It has been declared an “event of regional tourist interest” by the regional government of Castile and León.Many other such fiestas enjoy legal protection.
In Dénia, Alicante, bulls are chased off a pier and then dragged out of the sea, and according to Rolland they often drown. In Villalpando, Zamora, a bull is pursued by cars. In Ohanes, Almería, the animal is tied up and forced to bow down eight times before the statue of a saint.
I never once saw anyone object. Everyone goes, they take their children. These cruel events have the church’s blessing
“The really sad thing is I never once saw anyone object,” says Rolland, who filmed his documentary, Santa Fiesta, almost entirely in secret and was occasionally run out of town when he was caught. “Everyone goes, they take their children. These cruel events have the church’s blessing. In the Canaries at election time candidates will campaign by offering to supply more bulls for the fiesta.”
During the festival to honour Saint James in El Carpio de Tajo, riders perform a variety of the races called ‘running the goose’ where they must behead dead geese hanging and tied up in the main square.
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During the festival to honour Saint James in El Carpio de Tajo, riders perform a variety of the races called ‘running the goose’ where they must behead dead geese hanging and tied up in the main square. Kike Carbajal/Santa Fiesta Photograph: Kike Carbajal/Santa Fiesta
The majority of these festivals are held in Andalusiaand Castile and León, but there is no region in Spain where they don’t exist.
“We are a violent nation,” he says, adding that “my father is a big bullfight aficionado. He used to take us to the fiestas until I was old enough to say no.”
The police often make themselves scarce during the festivals as some are now illegal. In 2002 the Andalusian government banned the fiesta in Cazalilla, in which a live turkey is thrown from the church tower. But the practice continues and each year the villagers club together to pay the €2,000 (£1,450) fine. “If they tried to stop the turkey throwing, people would riot,” says Juan Balbín Garrido, the mayor.
Rolland reflects: “In Spain about 200 animals are killed every day for entertainment. That’s eight terrible deaths every hour.”
I’ll do anything to go to try and stop these atrocities..What’s the best way forward?.
Hi Sandra and Tom.
The best way is that the animalist party PACMA get representation in spanish institutions, and so get the legal changes that prohibit these cases.
Thanks for your interest.
No I’m sorry I do not speak Spanish, but I am willing to help in any way. Thank you for what you are doing
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